Under the tab "Guided Journey's", I have put a second page for blogging. In the "Diary of a Spiritual man", I write the stuff that comes up in my head, or I have written some stuff while I was in a Guided Journey. That is also why some of the things written are not clear to most of you, because they come from my unconsciousness. Those are the things hidden in there, that not even I knew existed. So, in the beginning I just wrote just extracts of the things gathered. The funny thing is that, most of the things I've written came from an other Ego, if you want to call it like that. So, not even I can explain the things that are written, but if I read them again, I get the feeling of where they came from, because in the end they all came from me.
As I said before, on of my spiritual paths is the one of the psychedelic one. I have found out that I cannot hallucinate, not even with mind-enhancing substances, or at least not with the ones I took. The reason for this probably is because I only think in words. I cannot imagine vivid things, pictures or images. Somewhere I have told you before that when I was a child I "programmed" myself to not have bad dreams anymore and in this process I have shut down the whole process of projecting images in my mind. This is for me a blessing in disguise, because this has given me the opportunity to travel very deep into myself without seeing scary things. I could only feel, taste, smell and get the information from memories or hidden wisdom inside of my unconsciousness without getting the image of what I was getting. I really never realized this, in the past I even got mad with the fact that I could not hallucinate. And now I am very happy that I can't, because as I have said before, it gives me now more power to go deeper than most of the people that are taking the same path.
I made this website not to only teach you things and to share information with you, but to also show you my paths that I have taken and to show you what I have gotten in all of the journeys that I have had. And now it's time to also take you with me in those journeys. The only problem is that I can't take you all personally there with me, because you are not every time with me. So, I have decided to start this second blog in where I will give you my full reports of my journeys. I call them my Guided Journeys, because in these journeys I'll be using different mind-enhancing substances. I will try to describe exactly how, when and how much of the different substances I have taken and of course I will write down everything I get in these journeys.
I have only one word of advice, don't start using mind-enhancing substances if you are not ready. Like I have said before, I cannot hallucinate, so for example for me it is safe(r) to use these substances when I am alone, because there is no risk for me of losing myself in this reality or in other realities that I create, because I always stay in this visible reality that you can also see. If you are someone that can vividly see things in your mind when you are thinking, then it is wise to not use these substances by yourself, because then you can create different realities, where you can go do stuff that is dangerous in this reality, but where in the created reality may not seem that dangerous to you. And it is in this reality where your body is, so it is also in this reality where you will get hurt. Your mind cannot get hurt, but your body can. So be careful when using these substances.
Also if you are planning on starting to use these substances, go on the internet and go try to find for yourself the information that you want or need. Later on, I will put under this tab, some links of websites where you can also get more information on this stuff!
I hope that you can get some more wisdom for yourself from these blogs and of course I especially hope that you can just enjoy reading these blogs, as much as I will enjoy writing them! :)
As I said before, on of my spiritual paths is the one of the psychedelic one. I have found out that I cannot hallucinate, not even with mind-enhancing substances, or at least not with the ones I took. The reason for this probably is because I only think in words. I cannot imagine vivid things, pictures or images. Somewhere I have told you before that when I was a child I "programmed" myself to not have bad dreams anymore and in this process I have shut down the whole process of projecting images in my mind. This is for me a blessing in disguise, because this has given me the opportunity to travel very deep into myself without seeing scary things. I could only feel, taste, smell and get the information from memories or hidden wisdom inside of my unconsciousness without getting the image of what I was getting. I really never realized this, in the past I even got mad with the fact that I could not hallucinate. And now I am very happy that I can't, because as I have said before, it gives me now more power to go deeper than most of the people that are taking the same path.
I made this website not to only teach you things and to share information with you, but to also show you my paths that I have taken and to show you what I have gotten in all of the journeys that I have had. And now it's time to also take you with me in those journeys. The only problem is that I can't take you all personally there with me, because you are not every time with me. So, I have decided to start this second blog in where I will give you my full reports of my journeys. I call them my Guided Journeys, because in these journeys I'll be using different mind-enhancing substances. I will try to describe exactly how, when and how much of the different substances I have taken and of course I will write down everything I get in these journeys.
I have only one word of advice, don't start using mind-enhancing substances if you are not ready. Like I have said before, I cannot hallucinate, so for example for me it is safe(r) to use these substances when I am alone, because there is no risk for me of losing myself in this reality or in other realities that I create, because I always stay in this visible reality that you can also see. If you are someone that can vividly see things in your mind when you are thinking, then it is wise to not use these substances by yourself, because then you can create different realities, where you can go do stuff that is dangerous in this reality, but where in the created reality may not seem that dangerous to you. And it is in this reality where your body is, so it is also in this reality where you will get hurt. Your mind cannot get hurt, but your body can. So be careful when using these substances.
Also if you are planning on starting to use these substances, go on the internet and go try to find for yourself the information that you want or need. Later on, I will put under this tab, some links of websites where you can also get more information on this stuff!
I hope that you can get some more wisdom for yourself from these blogs and of course I especially hope that you can just enjoy reading these blogs, as much as I will enjoy writing them! :)