Who am I?
My name is Alvin (Siegfried) Leito and I've made this website because I want to connect with all of you and I want to make spirituality become a reality for everybody. On this website I will give you my views, some are categorized as radical or liberal, some people may even call it crazy. But I call it enlightened wisdom. After I finish the website, or after it really is how I want it to be. I will start with a more personal approach, where I will counsel, coach or advice you either one on one, or in a group. Using only our mind and (sub) consciousness, with or without the help of mind-enhancing substances. I have been practicing to be a Psychonaut for a couple of years now and I'm now at the point that I can go with you in your journeys and be a guide of your own consciousness. I am also in the process of learning how to travel through the subconsciousness without freaking out and staying on the path without walking outside the lines. Because believe me, the subconscious is the gate where lost, forgotten or locked memories of your soul, mind and consciousness are stored and it can be scary if you are not used to psychedelics or traveling into your mind. My only goal in life is to really change the world and make this earth a very happy place, filled with joy, love and happiness. Free of anger, hurt, pain, suffering and fears. A world where Liberty and Freedom is once more the only ruling norms and respect and love are the guidelines. Sharing my (gathered) wisdom is one way of doing this and besides this site I am working on some other projects. Money is not the issue, freedom is. I just work for the money, because we live in a world when it (still) matters. The things that you maybe must know about me is that, I don´t want or need you to like me. I only need your trust and I need to trust you. Trust is the issue. We don´t have to know each other on a deep level to connect, telling the truth will just do that. I am not afraid of telling you the truth or my truth. Are you afraid of telling me yours? I tell you this, because... I don´t know if you´ve seen the movie: `the invention of lying`. But after I saw that movie, I realized that we are all descendants of the person who invented the first lie. Every single person on this planet lies. Not only to other people or to people that they care for, but also and especially to themselves. so after this realization and confrontation with myself and with people in general, I´ve decided that I want to be the person that reinvents the truth or I want to be the person that reinvents being completely honest to himself and to others (also to complete strangers). After telling this to a couple of friends, they all laughed at me and told me that it is not possible to do. That I would become alienated from the rest of the world and especially I don't have to go into politics, because they would eat me alive in that world. The thing is that I don't only believe that I can do this, but I know that I can do this and after I made that promise to myself to never ever lie again, I realized why people lie. It is very hard not to lie. It is very hard to tell someone how you really feel or how you really see them or think about them. I cannot say that I am stupid. I have both a masters degree in Social and Organizational Psychology and a masters degree in Public Administration (specialisation: management of the public sector. But the promise to myself never to lie to myself or anyone again, is the most stupid thing that I have ever done in my life. Not only have I already lost some very special friends of mine, but I've lost some job-opportunities and I can imagine that I will lose some more things to come. Does this hurt? Yes. Can I live with this? Yes. And more importantly, I have to learn to live with this, because I have already did it and I won't break this promise. I won't and I can't. So, everything that I put on this website stems from the undoubtedly truth! Thus the truth, or also my truth.... What can I offer you? Besides the wisdom from myself or from others, I can give you my personal advice on anything you like, want or need. The way I work is to see, feel (the energy of you) and observe which way you want to go. So, I will not push you in any way, I will just guide you through your thoughts. And thus, my personal advice will consist on how I see things, and how I feel about things. It will not be about how or what you feel or think, because only you can tell me that, I can only tell you if I see other things that you may not see. I will also not tell you what I think that you want to hear or feel. That won't help you (or me) in any way. So, I am not afraid of telling you the truth, because it is my truth. If you don´t like it, you may ask yourself why that is. Because I can´t think for you. And I won´t try to think for you, either. I am a Psychologist, but don´t expect me to tell you what to do or what to say or how to feel. Only you can decide on those things. I am also a (public) manager, and with these studies combined I am specialized in human behavior and communications (and organizations, but that is not important for this site), but don´t expect me to tell you what you have to do with your life, business or organization. I can give you advice on those things mentioned, but you have to ask me for the advice, I will not give it to you if you don't ask for it. The reason why this is, is because I have learned that if a person can't ask for something, than they most of the time won't accept something, or actually most of the time, they will reject the advice immediately. Of course, If I see something that I know or think will help you in your journey in(to) spirituality, I will not hesitate to tell you this. I hope that I can help you in giving you some wisdom about spirituality and that I can guide you digitally or in person in the journey of life, called spirituality. Alvin |