I made myself immortal. I am now immortal. I am not afraid of dying, because I cannot die anymore. My memories will for always be with all of you, because these are my thoughts at and from the moment I think and thus am conscious. Everything I noem now is and becomes My words of thoughts in my thoughts that you are reading. And if you don't understand this, it does not matter, because only I know and now know again my thoughts.
This is not fylosofie or philosophic words I am saying or writing right at this moment I am thinking and writing at the same time, so these are my written thoughts. I am a psychologist who is writing his own thoughts at this moment. So this is my private session with Myself!
Everyone who treats my thoughts wrongfully and sees them without my written is penetrating my freedom and personal area!
Be carefull, entering is really at your own risk.
This will be the first door I will open of my subconscious. This will be then, the first door of Hell on Earth Open! In the beginning thus, they will be very very hot and steam will come off of this dreams. It will melt snow, the permeating snow of My Subconscious. Freud died without being able to enter here. The fucker smoked too much and killed HimSelf before opening the first door of Hell, so He could become also the very first keeper of the keys of the Hell Door on Earth. Only He can Open Them!
Oh yes, I did it again. Oops. My bad.
At 12:00 of this day I will stop with creation and go back on watching all my creations!
I will go walk among you all. Please don't kill me. I don't want to be killed! I like to live! I love life too much, to die! If and when I die when I am very old is because I want to. I will be the one that decides when to die, no one may decide that EVER!
Never is also ever!
These all our my thoughts and I am not the one that you will call me! You are crazy and don't know anything about consciousness, or subconsciousness, preciousness and unconsciousness. You all fools forgot how to use these concepts!
I know this secret, so this is my secret recipe of new intelligence! I give you wisdom for money!
That is my price for Justice on this Planet! Because I am The Justice!
I am the G
The real One!
Yes, I Am
Alvin Siegfried Leito, is My Protector! Only He may decide what to do with Me!
Here I stop for today,
Much Love.
The G".
So, this was a message from the one you all forgot!