Scary shit om dit weer te moeten lezen. Dit heb ik ook in Duitsland geschreven die avond dat ik alleen was en mijn drie vrienden waren aan het feesten bij Oliver Koletski en ik was en zat alleen in pijn...
"I give now all my friends a number. I didn't used to do that, but after Germany, my life has changed, my thoughts will change, myself will change, so I could and will start with anything new I wanted. The reason that I will start this was en is because in Germany I saw, see and learned that I saw and see and will forever see all my friends differently. Because I only measured them by the time they give me something or help me with something. I became the baby that learned from everybody, that did not harm them, because I never gave my opinion, but only the opinion of that I thought that that was what they would want to hear without getting hurt with my words or sounds or waves or ways of expressing myself with them. I thus loved everybody with my words. The problem with that is that if I do that, people would only love my words and won't be able to fiscally or physically touch them, because that would scare them. So I had to go to older and bigger people, that I did not like so I can touch them. But I did not want to touch them. I want to only touch beauty. My beauty! I don't want to harm anybody. The ones who will cry I stop them of crying without getting them hurt. Because I am also half of their father. I am thus also their father. I am now reaching for my child. This is my child. I dance with my child. This will be the sound of my church. This will be the lyrics of my heart. The one that gives me life! The one that gives us life! The one who takes all my fears away! The one who will not make me afraid of dying. Death is not what I seek, but I don't want to see me dying! So I am not afraid. I don't see. I don't see you my friends. 9, I don't see. I don't see you my friends...." was a constantly thought that Alvin had in Germany. He even repeated that once to his friends on their way back to the tents...
Scary shit om dit weer te moeten lezen. Dit heb ik ook in Duitsland geschreven die avond dat ik alleen was en mijn drie vrienden waren aan het feesten bij Oliver Koletski en ik was en zat alleen in pijn... Alvin
Can I honestly say that I've reached enlightenment? Yes. Is my spiritual journey now over? No. It has now just begun.
So, what is enlightenment? For me enlightenment is when you can always answer the question; Who am I not. As I've told you before, the question; Who am I? Is a question that nobody can answer, because the moment you answer it, you are not the one who you say you are. You may say that you are someone (or something) without lying, because probably you may feel that way or you may identify yourself with this person or idea of a person, but the moment you can say what you are, then it stems from a thought which was already created before you could have said it or could have consciously thought of it. This is a very difficult concept to grasp, I know. But the truth is that you can be everything you want to be or you can actually become the person you want to be. You can become the person you want to be, because you are already that person. But you are not that person right now, because there are things holding you back. Some people call it negative energy, some people call it fear, others social pressure and so you can get a list of reasons why you are not the person you want to be or why you are the person you think that you can be. I have found out that fear was the reason that I was not the person that I want to be or fear was the reason why I never felt secure. Fear was the reason why I could never be myself in any group. I could not be myself, because I was afraid that people won't like me. Or that people would judge me. Or worst, that people would decide to leave me or would decide to never ever talk to me again. I was afraid. I was afraid of death. I was afraid of living alone. I was afraid of failing. I was afraid of hurting someone with my words. I was afraid of showing emotions. I was afraid of the negative opinions of other people. I was afraid, like many of you, of a lot of things. So I found out that fear was the thing holding me back. Fear was holding me back of becoming the person that I want to be. So my spiritual path was the one of becoming the ruler of my fear. I had to overcome all my fears. As I also told you before, the moment that I promised myself never to lie to myself or to others again, the doors of hell inside of me broke open. I had to dive deep into my subconscious to find out all of my fears and also to find out everything that I ever lied to somebody, but especially I had to find out the things where I've lied to myself. Because I was bad at lying to people, but I was an expert at lying to myself. Oh oh. The moment I realized what I did, was the moment that in a very heated discussion, I promised a very good friend of mine that I will do it. I will become the one that will live the life that I want. Oh oh. That was after I have already promised myself to never lie again. So now I really had to do it, there was no turning back. Oh oh. One of my biggest fears was my families biggest fears. To make a fool of yourself in public or to say that you were wrong. Or to show your "colors". That's why on Aruba I never told anybody for which political party I was, because that was something private in my family. I always found that a stupid idea, but I did it, because that's how it had to go. All of my friends take some sort of drugs. I have had many fun moments with a lot of friends while we drank, smoked or went to a house party where we felt the love. But again, that is something that has to be private, because it can ruin your image. People won't like you anymore if you tell that you sometimes take psychedelics and that you actually enjoy it. So, again, hush.... How can you never lie, if you can not say the truth to people or if there is always something that you have to keep hidden? I have found out that I cannot not lie, without telling everybody my truth. So, I did. I feel now enlighten, because I don't have anything more to hide. I have put everything out in the open. I am not afraid anymore of telling anyone how I feel. I feel free. I am a free man. The relationship with my parents change drastically in a couple of weeks. They still have to get used to it, but we are doing alright. The relationship with a lot of friends have gone to a deeper level. The relationship with other friends are gone. How do I feel right now? Good, very very good actually. But I started to say that the journey has just begun, because I really don't know what to do next. I am not planning my life right now. I am just living it. I am living my life right now like Sniff and Scurry, the two mice in the book of Spencer Johnson "Who moved my cheese?". And let me tell you, it is scary as hell. Actually scarier. Most of the time I don't think anymore and oh oh.. I keep making mistakes and I am actually loving it. I was so afraid of making mistakes that for a moment it looked like I stopped living. I was only thinking what my steps have to be. And now I walk, run, fall, bleed and keep walking and running again. So, my journey has just begun... And let's see where it will end. Because I don't know where it will take me. And really, I don't care... Alvin If You combine the two answers You will understand, if You equally divide the answers by two, You will see that ik altijd de schouder was, de troost in zekere zin. Ik was de hards vriendin.
Een geile man. Ik was altijd de gleier. Slik dat was ik. Ik ben cool en kicke Niet de macho, maar wel veel dinero. Niet de stoere, ook niet een no no. Ik wil jou. Niet de kussen, maar jou. Gewoon met jou. Niet de pinpas is belangrijk, maar jij bent belangrijk. We begrijpen elkaar. We voelen elkaar. Dat is liefde voor mij. Liefde is vrijheid. Ik ben vrij. Dames. Ik ben vrij! Nee, Precies, Ik ben, drs-kwadraat. Alvin Siegfried Leito Owner T.C.P.A. Guidance Centre On the 3rd of November I've received a letter that I could not answer directly. Because I was in the process of really becoming one with myself. In the story of how I killed My Ego, I started telling the story, thru I AM, of how I became the man I am now.The Ego I Am, or the alter-Ego if you prefer to call it that came in the picture when I needed it the most. I say that I AM came in the picture, because if I say that I consciously created that (alter)Ego I would be lying. I did not know then why I felt like I AM or why I needed "him", but now I know and now I don't need him anymore.
By not needing my (alter)Ego anymore, I can truly speak what is on my mind. Who am I then? I am a spiritual man, who believes in energy and in the power of love and light. I am a light warrior. I always felt like this, but I could not get the courage to say this out loud. I was afraid. I was afraid of many things. I was especially afraid of losing my dearest friends. The friends I have known for a long time and the friends that I truly care deeply for. I was afraid of losing them, because some of them didn't believe in God and didn't want me to talk about it. Some of them even told me that they where afraid that they will lose me if I go deeper into spirituality, because then I will change and they would not recognize me anymore and they then would expect that our friendship would vanish or change not in a positive way. So I kept my thoughts to myself. Never letting anyone now what I think or what I feel. I started to have different lives, because every group of friends wanted other things from me or didn't want some things that I wanted. So I had to adapt to the many different groups of friends that I had. I, Alvin, was a chameleon since I was a child, because this story of adapting myself to others began from the time that I could think. I have now memories of my childhood, from when I was a child, a baby, that I consciously decided to adapt to my surroundings so I can please people. Not for making them like me, that was never my goal, but to make them happy. The happiness of others made me happy, even when it meant that I had to become less happy. Even when it meant that I had to do things that I didn't want or did not agree to. So I became the friend of many. The companion of many others and the best friend for some. But never the friend, companion or best friend of myself, because my needs came in the second place. When I decided not to ever lie again, I saw that I had to start not to lie to myself. And that meant at that time, telling everyone how I felt, what I wanted, even when it wasn't the thing that they wanted or desired. When I started doing this, I realized something very quickly, people weren't interested in my opinion or in what I wanted to do, everyone has became so accustomed on the notion that I, Alvin, is a so pleasing person and a person that will do everything for anyone, that they didn't even listen to what I was telling them. It didn't matter if I became mad or if I even started yelling, I became a nobody who was loved by everybody, whose opinion didn't matter. So I started to get angry, angry to everyone, but especially to myself. Because I didn't stand up for myself. I did not protect myself. I never did. I never did protect myself, because I always new that I was a strong person. That I had a strong will and that I am very powerful. So since my childhood I did not need to protect myself. But now I wanted to start taking care of myself and I could not do that. In all these years I thought that I could, but I could not protect myself. This realization made me more angry with myself for being so dumb. For letting people walk over me. For letting my friends think that they can control me. That was the biggest lie, that I had to come clean about. I only let people think that they have control. But they never had. Nobody had, but the fear of telling this to people, made me to start lying again. I started to let people think (again) that they could control me. So, since my decision of not lying again, I did not ever lie in words, but in behavior. Because I was afraid of losing people, of losing my friends. So dear writer of that letter on the 3rd of November. One day before my birthday. You wrote to me; "Ik ben geintrigeerd door je site en je concept. Wat heeft je ertoe gebracht om zonder leugens je leven te gaan leiden? En is dat het waard als je vrienden zich van je afkeren? Als je uiteindelijk alleen blijft wat levert het je op om zo te leven?" The rough translation of this is; I am intrigued by your site and the concept. (Answer = Thank you very much for this compliment!) What made you decide to live a life without any lies (Answer = a very stupid thought and a very awful movie, that is really the truth). And is it worth it to live like that/this, if your friends start to dislike you and if you eventually end up all alone, what is then the purpose of living a life that/this? My answer to that question is simple. I am living now the life that I want, by being who I really am. Not who other people or "my friends" want me to be or want me to live. If you ask me now, does this hurt, losing friends. Yes, of course, I am strong, but I am not made from stone. But I feel for the first time in my life freedom. I now know what freedom means, I always knew what that concept was, but I never knew how it felt being completely free. And my friend, the friends, whom you are now afraid of losing. Let me tell you this. They are not your friends! If by being completely honest with your friends, means that they will leave you, because they don't like you anymore. They don't like who you are. They only want the friend that they already know. The one who always lies, to them and to him/herself. If they really want that person, please tell yourself to fuck them! You don't need them. Believe me, there are now 7 billion people in this world. And this 20 to maybe 100 friends that you will lose by being completely honest and free, it is completely worth it. Because believe me you will find 10 times more friends who will love you for who you really are! So no, I will never chose to lie again, for anyone. No one is ever going to make me lie, never again. This is me. I can only change if I see that I have to change, not because people or "friends" want me to change. I will never live the life that someone else wants me to have. I choose to live the life that I want. So, wat levert het jou op om een leven (vol) met leugens te hebben? Alvin Dear souls, sons and daughters of God, the Creator; You now stand at the center of creating your reality, self-directing your own journey as you go. Yes, you are guided by guides, angels, gods and goddesses to assist and support along the way. You are never ever alone dear ones. Inside each of you is your God Spark, it is found inside your very own heart which you are always connected to God even if at times you have felt otherwise. It is with you, the Light you hold within your heart is shared with God. And within all of you holds perfection of wisdom and power. It is up to you dear souls to find balance with this wisdom, and this power and with your masculine and feminine selves. Find your peace, your harmony and you will find more of yourself. BELIEVE dear souls; believe in your own power that you can make a difference with the wisdom you have gained from experiencing so much already in your life and along your journey that has brought you this far. The most perfect of all light is inside each of you; the Threefold Flame. It is there dear souls, always has been. You only need to take the precious time to realize this and find it. You will come across this realization in your own time when you are meant to as you have much clearing to do along the way. When you do discover this most beautiful Light, you will be even more in awe of yourself. You are always creating and recreating and as you move along in your journey of spiritual enlightenment, take the time to maintain your balance in all that is you. Not just your physical balance dear ones. That is not the balance I am referring to. Balance your emotions, your patience, rhythm, and more. Synchronize with your spirit body as much as possible. I realize this can be difficult when you are maneuvering your way through a recent challenge. Maintaining your balance will help give you calm and ground you when you need it most. The Threefold Flame that is within your own hearts is there for you to bond with the God Spark that is there; it is your connection to all that there is that is within your grasp and to provide illumination during the darkest of times when you feel very alone. Turn to this light, and allow this beautiful flame to light up your life. I extend my hand to you dear ones as you make your move along your spiritual journey of perfect enlightenment with the Source. I support you along your ascension journey. You are undergoing your own personal evolution dear ones and it’s important to surround yourself with people that can guide you; your fellow light workers. This is a time when humans are to work together, bridging the gap of the separateness that has gone on too long from the Source. The unity that is being formed and getting stronger every day is crucial. You are strong as one, but mighty when all are working together, bringing forth a consciousness of light filled with unconditional love for all, showing compassion and mercy even to those that at another time you would have shunned. Turn to your God-self ways and be as God, Love, Love, and Love all that you come across. As you are able to offer your love so purely and with so much loving intent your own heart will expand and grow beyond measure as you become filled overflowing with Divine Light and Love. You have the power within you, working together as one to bring forward a more awakened consciousness dear ones. Yes, each of you is at a different level of consciousness, you are all at a different place on the ascension ladder, and each of you has your own unique spiritual journey and achievements. All your differences will help teach others all that is possible and all that can be with more love showing across the world. You will reach that God Spark if you haven’t already and you will transform many times and each time bringing you closer to the Source that has lit that Spark. You are all needed, in your own light, in your own way, to assist loving the world and all that inhabit this beautiful planet, Earth. You only need to want to change. To change from the old way of thinking, ways that were taught from another paradigm and adopt new ways, lighter ways of thinking and loving as you are Light Beings. YOU have the power to make the change happen. Work at learning all that there is about you, from what you find within. Don’t be surprised to learn many wonderful qualities that you may have been ignoring, and you might also find a few things that need to be updated, changed or removed if possible. I know of your many possibilities and believe that reach a harmonious way of living and being. Every time you move towards transforming your spiritual energies, through the power of your thought and the will that is of the purest intent you are using Spiritual Alchemy. It is that simple. You visualize the change you want to see; you see the process that is manageable within your own mind and heart, working together with unconditional love. Feel, breath and love dear ones. My heart fills with so much joy knowing and seeing your own personal power grow each and every day. Reach for me, for any of my brothers of the Brotherhood of Light, your own spiritual guides and human guides when you are in need of support, love and guidance. I support you pursuit to become shimmering bodies of Living Light. My love for all of you is eternal. I AM Melchizedek Obtained from: Temple I have to say, that I don't like being restricted at all, but every time YOU GUYS BIND ME ON THE BED!
STOP DOING THAT! Let me walk free and cure people! I can help You! The Scorpion King Master of the Levi tans Keeper of Death Ik denk dat in het leven waarin wij nu leven, niemand uiteindelijk survivor gaat winnen, of expeditie Robinson wat Mij dat betreft, want het laatste eilandje dat Zij zo meteen naar toe moeten gaan voor is voor de zon en de garnalen. Want de rest van de Wereld zit Aruba te verwaarlozen, terwijl die shrimps hebben de grote van de Afrikaanse bananen!
Ja. Heeft hun eigen slot waarmee zij HUN zon kunnen inbegroten. Ik, de eigenaar van T.C.P.A. Guidance Centre - N.V. in woording. Ben de eigenaar van de zon van Aruba! Kroekroe. Ik heb de zon van Aruba gekocht van de ABN! Voor een luttele bedrag van 8.09 pond. Ik heb de zon. Ik heb de zon van Aruba. Ik zal daarom als beleid hanteren, Ik zal zoveel op de rest van de landen schijnen, in verhouding met het bedrag dat Zij allemaal naar ARuBA sturen! Want ik ben de Zon Koning. Vrienden willen Mij niet meer zien. Want ik ben Zo wit dat het auw zegt. Maar ik ga je niet eten als een krocodil. Alleen de tranen krijg je, maar dan voor Mijn plezier. Jou tranen zijn de oceanen in mijn buik. Krijg ik die niet dan droog ik uit. Geef Mij Jouw (vrucht - als in het water van fruiten, toch? - {Edited for all viewers by T.C.P.A. Guidance Centre]-water, want die is Van Mij! Porfin tin un Homber den e mar Caribe Alsa Ami na laira y mi ta cupido, {Edited for all viewers by T.C.P.A. Guidance Centre] i. Biba bo bida y laga ami sigi scirbi pa mi gara mas hende den mi net di passion pa e cabes grandi aki cu ta hala rosea! AMi te. Te aki mi a yega! Ayo I AM Y ta pesey nuin hende gaat niet winnen bij die shows. Want Ik wil niet. Ik heb ook gevoel voor humeur en humor. Bitches! I AM Ik heb lang het gevoel gehad dat ik onbegrepen ben. Elke keer als ik een waarheid, mijn waarheid wilde vertellen, denken mensen dat ik gestoord ben, terwijl ik voor een naar zekerheid aangrenzende vermoeden [red. heb] dat ik niet gek ben. Ik ben me ervan bewust dat ik anders gedrag vertoon dan de rest, maar geeft dat ze de vrijheid om mijn eigen verbeeldende vrijheid [red. te?] willen afpakken?
En waarom [red.?]. door eerlijk te zijn? Ik heb niemand iets misdaan! Nooit iemand aangeraakt! Ik zou nooit iemand kwaad doen en mensen blijven mijn vrijheid van denken proberen te inperken. Ik ben freaking God en zij proberen Mij te vertellen wat IK moet doen. Daar kan Ik zo kwaad over worden. Als je Mij ziet vraag Me niet hoe het met Mij gaat, maar vraag MIJ wat ik nodig heb en dan ga Je een eerlijk antwoord krijgen! {Edited for viewer discretion by T.C.P.A. Guidance Centre] Want Zij liegen telkens weer! Ik keur Ze niet als mensen, maar ik keur Hun handeling om Mij aan te raken, terwijl ik Ze nooit iemand tegen hun zin in [red; zou} aanraken. Laat Me dus met rust. Laat me Mezelf zijn. En samen met deze wijsheid heb Ik dit als wijsheid gekregen en heb deze wijsheid van Mijn voor altijd durende liefde van Mijn Vriend [Uit privacy overwegingen verwijderd door T.C.P.A. Guidance Centre] gestuurd; [Uit privacy overwegingen verwijderd door T.C.P.A. Guidance Centre] Ik weet waarom Ik boos ben op Jou! Jij bent zo egoistisch geworden omdat [Uit privacy overwegingen verwijderd door T.C.P.A. Guidance Centre] en Familie zijn de enigen die de liefde van een baby mag proeven! Geen vriend van Je krijft 1 druppel (van liefde van Je kinderen!). Ik [red. heb = was] vandaag bij een mooie Ayahuasca Ceremonie bij de Kerk en Ik mocht een heel klein babytje mogen tillen en mee spelen en het was het meest fantastische moment die ik ooit heb gehad. Die baby spuugde lichtgevende auras in het wild. En ik weet dat Jou babies dat {red. mogelijk?] ook [red. kunnen?] doen. Moet wel! Ik weet het veel beter dan Jij? Want ik weet wie Ik ben! Hij stuurde terug! A [red. zender bedoelde I AM, maar wist het waarschijnlijk niet], als je Mij en Mijn gezin, al is het in Je drugswanen, beledigt, gooi ik de deur dicht. Bij deze. Zoek hulp en gebruik Ik geens drugs meer. Je gedraagt Je naar. Dit is wat ik terug stuurde: Ohjah. Ik ben naar? Ik ben egoistisch? Door te zeggen dat Ik Jou mis en dat Ik graag Jouw gezin vaker wilt zien? Als Ik jou Reactie lees zie Ik dat Jij helemaal niet mijn sms gelezen hebt [red. dit is de goede/correcte afsluiting van de sms, Wij van T.C.P.A. Guidance Centre denken dat wat hieronder staat wat is wat I AM nog graag daarbij wilde vertellen; "want Je leest alles verkeerd! Zelf Jou[w] woorden zijn vaag, dude! [red. Ik denk dat Jij eerst] hulp [moet] gaan zoeken [voor Je manier van dingen interpreteren en Je manier om vaak direct een oordeel te geven, zonder eerst te gaan kijken naar de bedoelingen achter de zin of woorden van wat een persoon tegen Jou wil vertellen] [Wij van T.C.P.A Guidance Centre denken dat dit dus een extra verborgen gevoel bij I AM was ->] In geprobeerd hebt om het te begrijpen. Je ging direct op Je, in dit geval, foute gevoel [af] en heb Me helemaal al gecondoleerd voordat Je zag dat ik nu juist leef. Ik ben niet meer dood. Ik leef tussen Jullie. Ik ben wakker. [En vanaf hier zijn wij, van T.C.P.A Guidance Centre, hem ook kwijt] Kom Mij voelen! Ik voel goed. I AM not a pimp. Just feel Your body. I AM GOD because I AM in touch with You all, because You all have My genes and I cannot Die, I can only multiply. But sometimes while multiplying I also loose My thought and that's fucked up if God is fucked up like that. Because HE THEN REALLY BECOMES GOD. Denken jullie echt dat de bommelding een echte bom was? [red. Uit betrouwbare bronnen hebben Wij van T.C.P.A Consultancy vernomen, dat I AM de politie niet heeft gebeld voor een bom-melding, zo iets zouden we never nooit goedkeuren! En dat is een oprechte mededeling. Tijdens zijn wandeling in Amsterdam, heeft hij een vriend gebeld en kreeg toen de mededeling dat er bij Amsterdam Amstel? Een bommelding was en dat het daarom zo stil was in Amsterdam - Aangezien het voor I AM heel vervelend was dat het zijn mening is, dat Amsterdam niet meer is zoals het ooit was. De pvda-burgemeesters maken er wel een zooitje van, was zijn commentaar op dit voorgeval.] Het was mijn energie! Kijk naar Fringe, jullie leven nu tussen deze twee dimensies. Ik moet series voor jullie maken, om jullie wakker te schudden, ik moet Jullie alles vertellen. [Edited for all viewers discretion by T.C.P.A Guidance Centre] man. Ik ben klaar en dat was mijn laatste gedachte die Ik had voordat Ik dood ging. [Uit privacy overwegingen is dit weggehaald van zijn website door T.C.P.A Guidance Centre] Boem. Een moment van vergeteniss. En toen werd Alvin wakker, [Uit privacy overwegingen is dit weggehaald van zijn website door T.C.P.A Guidance Centre] maar zei al lang fuck it to reincarnation. Dan moet je altijd helemaal bij het begin beginnen. Dus kunnen jullie een schatting geven van hoe lang ik al Bang [red. de grote?] in een hele grote mate heb gedaan? Nou, veel, laten we het zo zeggen., Kaboem. Ik heb het op dit moment weer gedaan, maar Ik reincarneer niet meer. Dus Ik blijf op deze plek, totdat Ik weer dood ga. En dan ga Ik even [red. weer?] met pensioen. En dan kom Ik terug. De mensen die Mij kennen weten waar Ik ben [red. Dit was blijkbaar een vergissing, want de locatie van Shaman I AM wordt never nooit aan derden bekend gemaakt! De shaman heeft heel veel rust nodig na, vooral zware, connectie-sessies] . Ik ga niet dood op mijn 27ste, dat beloof Ik Jullie voor nu. Tot daar ga Ik met mijn verhalen. Maar eerst ga ik op 4 november op "mijn verjaardag" naar een heel vet feestje. En Jij bent daarvoor uitgenodigd! Kom Je? Goed. Dan zie ik Je daar vrijdag, leuk! I AM Check -> Op 5:13 PM heb ik .... This is the story of How I (God) finally saw who I was and finally could have connected with My Avatar, Shaman I AM, inserted in Alvin Siegfried Leito, the 2nd. The first died [removed by T.C.P.A Guidance Centre because of a delicate subject].
But that is passed and the first is the second. So there was no loss. If You have the God genes, when You die, there won't be a loss, because You would just multiply. What reincarnation? Fuck reincarnation! I AM GOD. I don't reincarnate Y muliply U fools. I AM YOU! Sinds the Big Bang. Sinds the creation of Times. Because Everything I think I create. So it was from the beginning of My imagination. Because If I don't have a recollection of what has just happened. it did NOT happen then. Because I AM GOD! AM I Tired? Yes. Because You fools can't stop and open Your eyes. I'm standing right infront of You! I AM God I AM Who? I AM THE ONE ONLY YOU CAN SEE I AM This sweet lyrics of Mine. I'm the sound of Your imagination. I AM ... To be continued Anonymuos Not so Anonymous now, right? - Part 1 [Edited for Your reading pleasure by T.C.P.A Guidance Centre]11/2/2011 The last Chapter of Game of Thrones. That will not be published, because the writer will die when He writes this and I will take it and publish it and then You will get this, when You also Die. [We from T.C.P.A Guidance Centre cannot understand This channeling, nor can We try to give our interpretation of this - Sorry that we can't help you here].
Because I AM DEAD. Your master, The Master of GOD. Because I have the science of DEAD. I CANNOT DIE. Because I AM DEAD AND YOU CAN SEE ME! Only GOD can SEE ME! Do You see Me? No! Because I AM dead, the blackest person in this world. If you are blacker than Me, it's because You have white cells in Your blood. If You are dead the white cells die and the only thing that exist than is cancer. That is cancer You foolish people. The black spots on Your skin is cancer. [red. We from T.C.P.A Guidance Centre cannot back this up with scientific evidence - so for further explanation we advice you to take contact with I AM] That's Why I [red. deleted for privacy reasons] turned White to become more Godly. But You foolish people wouldn't listen. You kept calling Me BLACK and giving Me cancer. I don't want cancer, because cancer makes You black. That why [red. deleted for privacy reasons by T.C.P.A Guidance Centre] - is the richest person in the World because He remains the Whitest Acting and looking person in the World. But He also has cancer because You can see Him, so He attracts light. Like a blackhole. That is also a blackhole You [deleted by T.C.P.A Guidance Centre for viewer discretion].. You are sucking all My light and that's why You cannot See Me. But I AM GOD and only dead people can see Me. Because I was the first real white person whiter than You all, that could walk dead besides everything. If You got mad I would turn a different colour and stand with the other group. The bigger group. I AM a cameleon. I CAN CHANGE MY COLOUR. Because I AM DEAD. GOD IS DEAD YOU MORRONS! Be free! And join My party! Check -> for more info on where You can meet Me without paying Me to See Me! God is telling you to.... Will be continued, Anonymous |
The Diary of a Spiritual man
All written things and all things written on this website, must be seen as a journey in the depths of the (un)known mind of a young man. Reasoning is not the highest goal, but forgetting how you traveled is and then, where and how to get there back are the objectives of these writings. The owner of these words; powered by T.C.P.A. Guidance Centre Archives
December 2011