The 99% of the world has turned into chit chatters. Into naive beings that only work, eat and wants to be "happy". I can't blame the 99%, because once you learn about the system that has been set up by governments and corporations, you get the feeling that your life is not your life anymore. I hate chit chatting, I am not a chit chatter. I used to be one, but that was to please everyone. But now sadly enough, I'm not a crowd-pleaser anymore. Because nowadays to please, you have to give fake love, manufactured love. The deep heavy love that we used to have and that we used to give is an almost forgotten and endangered phenomenon. We, as people, don't like to hear the truths of others anymore.
And that is where I now stand. Do I choose to go back and be a chit chatter or do I choose to live with the pain of the world? This is a foolish question to ask, let me start by saying this, because once you see what is happening in the world, you can't just close your eyes and tell yourself that it is not real. You cannot just tell yourself I will give only love to everyone I meet and the ones I don't see will have to just be happy with the love I am giving them, with the hope all is well with them.
All is not well. The sad thing is that, with us, all is well. With the ones who can read this, all is well. We have jobs (that we don't like). We do various activities (that most of the time, we don't do them because we want to, but because they are socially acceptable or because "a friend" wants us to be there). Freud talked about consciousness, pre-consciousness and unconsciousness. It seems that we have programmed ourselves to never think anymore about what we are doing, everything is being put into our unconsciousness and the pains that we have are being stored in the pre-consciousness, so when someone touches a fragile subject, the lights go on and we don't become conscious about what is being said, but we are directly being led to flee. We are being programmed that words can hurt and that we must reject all painful words, because we are sheep that can't stand the heat of words. It is either fight or flight and we now always choose to flee and fly away.
Turn it all around. We live now in a world where everybody knows that everybody carries their own cross and we now respect the pains of others and leave people be. So the love that I see is not fake, but it is the love that we now give to each other so we can collectively forget all of the pains that we carry. We collectively have decided to never speak of pains no more. Enjoying life to the fullest is the highest goal and it does not matter that we live in social prefabricated cages made by governments and corporations, because we put chickens in smaller cages and they do all right. So why complain? Why put so many energy in something that we can't change? We now think that we are not special, because the pains that we carry are lesser than what people in other countries have. We must be foolish and selfish to complain about the lives that we have, because in other countries they don't even have democracies or the freedom that we have or wow, the food that we have.
Damn, why am I complaining? I have 3 Mc Donalds in my town! I can go where I want, I have nice friends and can do fun things with them. My life is so perfect, or at least, I can't or may not complain. That is what we tell ourselves on a daily basis.
We must not, we may not, we cannot complain. I am a free person, I may vote and I can eat what I want and go where I want.
We must not, we may not, we cannot complain. I am a free person, I can do what I want and buy what I want.
If this is all true, than I have it all wrong.
But for now, let's agree to disagree.